Thursday, March 18, 2010

Such A Night!

Well now that I've caught my breath back, I can reflect on the world debut. It was a blast! It was a sucess! The feedback has been nothing but positive except for the fact that the first few songs we sounded like we were in casts. Well that's understandable as we all were a bit nervous. Who me? Nervous? Nahhhhhhhh.......
I really wasn't nervous before the first song but after it started, my mind went blank and my throat became like sandpaper. Classic symptoms of a PANIC ATTACK....... When the going gets tough, the tough get going and I pulled into all reserves with over 30 years experience in the construction business. Construction work you say? It's a no brainer because construction work in some circles in the world is secretely known as another form of Waterboarding and I have managed to avoid torture by the meditative zen power of blocking out reality and escaping to la la land. Thats right! You place your mind in automatic pilot as you perform you labourious duties and then you can concentrate on the finers things in life........... UMMMMMMMMM:::::::::
With the grace of god I had the music notes in front of me and it all took care of itself. After a few songs we began to ease up and started to get into the groove and it started to be fun. Too much fun because when I sang Honky Tonk Woman, I was so into the chorus I forgot when the verse started and oh oh. Time to step out of la la land and get back on the stage...........
For the second set we rocked, plain and simple and get this, when we finished the encore, there still was a big crowd dancing and cheering! Either we rocked or in a act of desparation, the bar started selling drinks at half price, I don't know, maybe I don't want to know the answer...
Also we had our friend Dave Rogers introduce the band which turned out to be a lot of fun, and we now have a sixth band member, the "Mix Man"
Another bold ground breaking step by Tug My Boat. Not since the heady days of King Crimson, was a sound guy classified as a band member, but the way Mix Man honed in the awesome sound, we all felt like family. (And after all who else can we blame if everything screws up?)
Last night had another practice and started learning new songs, getting ready for the next gig which will be at...................................................................
Watch this space!

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