Thursday, March 25, 2010

On the Road Again ...

  Just made an arrangement to play at a bar in Tuusula called Crazy Kaiffari on June 6th. This is a Sunday and the reason for this is that Tuusula is having its annual Montturock Festival too on Sunday.
Montturock is a free rock festival featuring top Finnish bands. Last year they featured Anna Abreau and Dingo (I know this means nothing to non-Finns and perhaps rightfully so). Crazy Kaiffari is a hop away in case anybody wants to have a drink after the Festival and listen to us.
If it out!!!!
  Crazy Kaiffare is one of the oldest if not the oldest bar in Tuusula and has seen better days. It's now only open 4 days a week with weekends being reserved for Karaoke. Before they used to have live bands, and I can safely assume that this trend is also happening in your neighbourhood. Live music being replaced by Karaoke. Karaoke's are a lot of fun but the problem is that it includes alcohol. At the beginning of the evening most people are too shy to sing and respond "No no no, I can't sing at all". In all honesty they are correct. Then the demon alcohol begins to take effect and suddenly the vocal chords miraciously evolve into vocal competence and presto!....A Star Is Born!!!!!!! The new star impatiently waits their turn to set the world on fire with the inevitable result being something that sounds something like a poor dying cow breathing its last breath in some muddy field................ We've all heard it before.

  Of course this isn't always case. There are rare gems, meaning karaokist's that can actually sing! Believe it or not. Then it is a pleasure to listen to and if there is any justice in life, these singers will possibly join some sort of band to showcase their talents.  But the problem arises that there is no place to sing because all the bars have karaoke instead of live music. Go figure...............

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